Judge Anna von Reitz

It has become mammothly apparent just HOW confused many people are about how the American Government is organized and who is who and how power within our government is supposed to flow. I have therefore written down a flow chart and a two page explanation of exactly who is who and what is what.

Please post this attached article as a separate highlighted post on the website, Paul, and please, everyone else, do whatever you can do to get this BASIC information into the hands of as many confused people as possible.  It is only by building a common knowledge of these facts that we can hope to straighten this mess out and get back on track
Fundamentals — Read This First
The Way Power is Supposed to Flow in America:
Land Government
Counties [Jackson County]
States [Wisconsin State]
Continental Congress
Federal Government (Sea Government)
United States Congress/Congress of the United States of America
[United States Supreme Court]
Departments and Agencies
States of …. [State of Wisconsin]
Counties of…. [County of Jackson]
Townships of…. [Township of Adams]
At every step the power vested DECREASES……
Who Is Who and What Is What?
The People = The Militia
The word “people” is Hebrew. It means “militia”. All power is vested in the people, that is, the militia organized in defense of our country.
The Townships and Parishes
The people form their local government based on where they live and own land. They
assemble their town (as in “township”) councils and hold “town hall” meetings.
The Counties on the Land [For example: Maricopa County}
The counties are comprised of townships and parishes organized within the county’s physical boundaries, thus each county represents a number of townships/parishes.
The States on the Land [For example: California State]
Similarly states are comprised of all the counties organized within the physical boundaries of the state. Each state in these United States is a separate sovereign nation.
The Federal Government
The Federal Government is both a corporation organized to provide nineteen enumerated governmental services and an association of the States organized to direct and oversee the delivery of those services . It is not and has never been a sovereign nation or government.
At each level the amount of power vested in the government is REDUCED. The Federal Government has the LEAST amount of power.
One the land of these United States, the people hold all the power and merely delegate tasks to public employees. The people are all State Nationals: Arkansans, Vermonters, Texans and so on. They occasionally send their Deputies as Delegates to a Continental
This is all separate from and not to be confused with the Government operating in the international jurisdiction of the Sea.
The Sea Government = International (Federal) Government
The government operating in the international jurisdiction of the sea goes in REVERSE
order with power flowing from the TOP DOWN. It is inhabited by citizens”, not “people”.
 Citizens serve the government. People are served by government.
President – acts as CEO of the federal corporation(s)
Congress – acts as Board of Directors
United States Supreme Court – acts as the ultimate in-house corporate tribunal and interprets The Constitution – The Supreme Law of the Land for the public employees working in the international jurisdiction of the sea.
United States of America, Inc. – one of the main federal government corporations organized to provide services to the states and people via franchises it calls federated “States”, for example, “State of California” and federated counties, for example, “County of Maricopa”.
UNITED STATES, INC. – another federal government corporation organized to provide services to federal employees and dependents, that is, “citizens”. This also uses  ranchises called “STATES”, for example, “STATE OF CALIFORNIA” and counties, “COUNTY OF  MARICOPA”.
Any time you see the word “of” or see anything named via the use of all capital letters you know you are dealing with an incorporated franchise operating in the international jurisdiction of the sea.
California State = Land Jurisdiction/Law of the Land, “State of California” = Sea Jurisdiction/Law of the Sea, “STATE OF CALIFORNIA” and “CALIFORNIA” = Sea Jurisdiction/Law of the Sea.
Maricopa County = Land Jurisdiction/Law of the Land. “County of Maricopa” = Sea
Jurisdiction/Law of the Sea. “COUNTY of MARICOPA” and “MARICOPA” = Sea Jurisdiction/Law of the Sea.
“California State” is the actual state on the land owed to the people.
“State of California” provides the “people” of California State with nineteen enumerated federal services owed to them under contract.
“STATE OF CALIFORNIA” provides “citizens”— that is, public employees and officials and dependents of the federal government with administrative services and benefits.
Two kinds of “citizens” —- United States Citizens and “citizens of the United States”; JOHN QUINCY DOE is a United States Citizen and JOHN Q. DOE is a citizen of the UNITED STATES, both franchises of federal corporations merely named after john quincy of the House Doe.

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